7 ways to fund your study

A man sits at a laptop on a table. He's smiling and clapping his hands

Lack of funds holding you back from study? Check out these ideas.

Want to enrol in a course, but worried about funding it? Here are seven ideas to help.


Apply for scholarships

Scholarships may:

  • pay your course fees
  • give you money
  • provide benefits such as free entry to a conference where you can network with employers.

Every year, some scholarships aren't paid out because people haven't applied for them.

Taking time to apply for scholarships can be an investment in your financial future, as some scholarships are worth thousands of dollars a year. 

Find out about Fees Free

If you’re doing tertiary study or training, you may be eligible for the Fees Free initiative.

Consider an apprenticeship

Apprenticeships are available for many jobs including hairdressing, flower arranging, crane operation, panel beating and shearing.

You learn and earn as you work so you don't need a student loan.

Find out more about apprenticeships.

You can see all the occupations with approved apprenticeships in the New Zealand Apprenticeships Register on the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) website.

Apprenticeship Boost is a payment to help employers keep and take on new apprentices.

Your employer may be eligible for payments for your first year of training, if you are working and training in a targeted occupation with skill shortages.

Ask your employer if they can support you

If you're already in a job, and would like to progress, consider talking to your manager about your future career goals, as they may be able to support you.

If your goals fit with the organisation's, your manager may be able to offer:

  • new work in the field you want to progress in
  • time off to study
  • payment of your fees.

Find out about targeted support

You might be eligible for financial and other support from targeted schemes. See if you're eligible for one of these schemes:

Work and Income has these funds to support people to train or work:

See if you are eligible for student loans and allowances

See if you're eligible for StudyLink:

Other ways to fund your study

Consider if you could:

  • contact Student Job Search to see if you're eligible to use their services as an intending student, so you can work while you study
  • continue working while you study
  • ask family and whānau if they could support you
  • use your savings
  • Student Job Search website - find a job

Updated 3 Mar 2025