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Holiday contact hours: You won't be able to call us from 5pm Friday 20th December until 9:30am Wednesday 8 January. You can still email during this time and we'll reply as soon as we can. Ngā mihi o te wā!


Manage your money to avoid career stress

Man leaving office carrying plants and files in a box

How to plan your money so you survive career upsets.

Great pay for jobs in the construction industry

Construction workers

Pay and job opportunities are excellent in the construction industry.

How to learn management skills

A woman uses her communication management skills when talking to co-workers

Learning management skills can be a great way to advance your career.

Get your best start back at work after unemployment

Woman receives bad news over the phone

How to return to work successfully after a long spell of unemployment.

Diversity in the workplace - it's good for business

Frank Lawrence with some of his team

Celebrating diversity and encouraging tolerance in the workplace creates a successful business. 

Get ready to work in a digitally transformed world

Automotive electrician works on a car alongside a robot

Our future of work series explores how technology will transform your career. First up – artificial intelligence is changing the world of work, but you can thrive if you have the right skills.

Aim for skilled, creative work with a human touch – let AI do the rest

In the foreground is a robotic hand. In the background a man sits with a virtual reality headset on and wearing a glove that controls the robotic hand.

Continuing our future of work series – we discuss how artificial intelligence will take over some roles, and complement the work of humans in others. 

Future careers are skills-focused

Engineer standing in front of a control panel writes notes on a clipboard

Continuing our future of work series – we discuss how building up your transferable skills will be the key to moving between jobs and industries in the new world of work.

Employability skills are the heart of the future

A man and woman interview a candidate at an office table

Continuing our future of work series – we showcase how employability skills, such as problem solving, are increasingly important in the new world of work. 

Find a new way of working: entrepreneurship and portfolio careers

A man listening to music on headphones types at a laptop

Continuing our future of work series – we talk about opportunities for self-employment in the new gig economy.