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Compare Study Options

Compare earning and employment outcomes.

Note: The data in this tool relates to what graduates earned and did in the 2020-2023 tax years.


Diploma: Total

Median salary two years after study:



1 year
after study


2 years
after study


5 years
after study


Employment rate two years after study

Status one year after study

Bachelors: Total

Median salary two years after study:



1 year
after study


2 years
after study


5 years
after study


Employment rate two years after study

Status one year after study

About the Compare Study Options tool

  • If you get a search result saying “No data available”, there may still be people who graduated in this area and study level. This is because results for searches that correspond to a small number of graduates or for which all students study at a single provider aren’t shown, to avoid the risk of data for an individual being identified.
  • The results show what graduates earned between 1 April 2020 and 31 March 2023.
  • Earnings have been converted to 2023 dollars to adjust for inflation.
  • Earnings data only reflects graduates that are employed.
  • Earnings are median salaries. This is the halfway point in the ranking of earnings – so not everyone has earned this amount. Half of graduates have earned more than this amount and half have earned less.
  • Earnings are actual annual (gross) earnings and do not take account of hours of work. This means earnings will be understated for any qualification/field of study where there are significant numbers of young graduates in part-time work.
  • Find out more about the data used in this tool