Graduate Diploma in Business Study field Business Management Qualification type Graduate Diploma Level 7 Location Provider has multiple locations
Master of Business Administration Study field Business Management Qualification type Masters Degree Level 9 Location
Livestock Feed Supply and Demand (Micro-credential) Study field Animal Husbandry Qualification type Level 3 Location Provider has multiple locations
Conjoint: Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Fine Arts Study field Studies in Human Society not elsewhere classified Qualification type Bachelor Degree Level 7 Location
New Zealand Certificate in Surface Supplied Breathing Apparatus (SSBA) Construction Diving to 30 metres (Level 4) Study field Building not elsewhere classified Qualification type Certificate Level 4 Location Provider has multiple locations
Introduction to AI Technology and AI Assistant Creation (Micro-credential) Study field Artificial Intelligence Qualification type Level 3 Location Provider has multiple locations
Poutuarongo Toiora Whānau (previously known as Poumanawa Matauranga Toirora Whanau) Study field Welfare Studies Qualification type Bachelor Degree Level 7 Location Provider has multiple locations
Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences Study field Health not elsewhere classified Qualification type Postgraduate Certificate Level 8 Location
Conjoint: Bachelor of Global Studies / Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) Study field Natural and Physical Sciences not elsewhere classified Qualification type Bachelor Degree with Honours Level 8 Location
Conjoint: Bachelor of Design / Bachelor of Global Studies Study field Society and Culture not elsewhere classified Qualification type Bachelor Degree Level 7 Location