Research links

Links to research and report papers relating to careers.

New Zealand research links

Research Programme on Education Employment Linkages website
The Education Employment Linkages research project researches how formal support systems can best help young New Zealanders to make good education-employment choices to benefit themselves, their communities, and the national economy.

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment website
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment researches and publishes labour market information and insights into the future of the labour market in New Zealand.

Ministry for Pacific Peoples website - Pacific Adolescent Career Pathways project (PDF, 527 KB)
Commissioned in 2011, the Pacific Adolescent Career Pathways project involved a three-year longitudinal study on Pacific students’ career choices.

Research reports about career education and guidance

Note: Careers New Zealand was formerly known as Career Services. Some documents below refer to our previous name.

Project Lumana'i - a summary of research to inform design and delivery of career resources for Pacific people

Project Lumana’i is a programme of research commissioned by Careers New Zealand in 2016. The research investigates the career needs of Pacific young people, families and teachers to inform the creation of resources that are more relevant and engaging.

Project Kāmehameha - a summary of research to inform design and delivery of career resources for Māori

Project Kāmehameha is an innovative research programme, commissioned by Careers New Zealand in 2015, that will be used to drive the development of digital tools and resources to respond to the changing career needs of rangatahi Māori.

Rethinking career education in schools: foundations for a New Zealand framework

This report was prepared in 2009 as part of the review and enhancement of the support Careers New Zealand provides to schools. It contains an outline of how effective career education programmes might be developed in New Zealand. 

Career guidance by telephone

In 2007, Careers New Zealand piloted career guidance by telephone to identify if it should form part of its suite of integrated career services offered to young people making tertiary, trade training or career decisions.

Based on its successful pilot outcomes, Careers New Zealand began to deliver telephone guidance as part of its integrated suite of all-age career information, advice and guidance services.

Updated 5 Mar 2025